Scaly-tailed squirrels

Scaly-tailed squirrels live in African rainforests. They are in some danger because their habitat is being destroyed.

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Rodentia

Family: Anomaluridae

Genus: Various (see below)

Species: Various (see below)

There are six species of scaly-tailed squirrels in two genera They have thin squirrel-like bodies with thin, short-furred tails with scales on the underside. They also have whiskers that help them find their way around. Scaly-tailed squirrels range in size from the pygmy scaly-tailed squirrel with a head and body length of about 2 1/2 to 3 inches (65 to 75 millimeters), a tail length of about 3 1/3 to 4 inches (83 to 104 millimeters), and weighing up to 3/4 an ounce (17 grams), to the Lord Derby's scaly-tailed squirrel with a head and body length of about 10 1/2 to 15 inches (27 to 38 centimeters), a tail length of about 9 to 11 inches (22 to 28 centimeters) and weighing between 16 and 38 ounces (448 to 1064 grams).

Scaly-tailed squirrels live in tropical and subtropical forests of West and Central Africa. Their populations are threatened because of the reduction of the rainforests, their natural habitat.

Scaly-tailed squirrels eat bark, fruits, leaves, flowers, green nuts, and some insects. The smaller scaly-tailed squirrels eat more vitamin-rich insects.

There is little information on the breeding habits of the scaly-tailed squirrel. The gestation period (duration of pregnancy) is unknown. It is suspected that females generally have two litters a year of between one and three young. The babies are born large, with lots of fur, and with open eyes.

The life span of the scaly-tailed squirrels in the wild is unknown. They do not survive more than 14 months in captivity.

Species include:

Beecroft's Scaly-tailed Squirrel Anomalurus beecrofti

Dwarf Scaly-tailed Squirrel Anomalurus pusillus

Lord Derby's Scaly-tailed Squirrel Anomalurus derbianus

Long-eared Scaly-tailed Flying Squirrel Idiurus macrotis

Pel's Flying Squirrel Anomalurus pelii

Pygmy Scaly-tailed Flying Squirrel Idiurus zenkeri


"Anomaluridae" Animal Diversity Web, Accessed 15 Apr. 2024.

"Anomaluridae - Scaly-tailed Squirrels." PBS, Accessed 15 Apr. 2024.