BlueCareer by EBSCOlearning: Workforce Development for the Skilled Trades


BlueCareer by EBSCOlearning is the one-stop shop for members of your community to explore the skilled trades industry, start their careers, connect with employers and more.

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BlueCareer by EBSCOlearning: Workforce Development for the Skilled Trades

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Did you know that skilled trade workers provide essential products and services in a variety of sectors from manufacturing to transportation? The skilled trades are vital to our economy, yet they are facing a critical workforce shortage, with half a million vacancies in the American construction industry alone.

Your library can help bridge this gap by promoting skilled trades as rewarding career paths. BlueCareer by EBSCOlearning is the perfect tool for this mission.

Powered by BlueRecruit, BlueCareer offers in-depth information on more than 100 trade professions, extensive training resources and more. Users can:

  • take assessments to find the best career fit,
  • explore in-demand trades,
  • access pay data by state,
  • search for trade schools and scholarships,
  • watch high-quality training videos to prepare for license exams, and
  • map their career journey to understand required training, time commitment and costs.

Once they’re ready to enter the job market, users can create a free BlueRecruit profile to connect with hiring employers — no resume required. It’s like hosting a 24/7 skilled trades job fair in your library without any heavy lifting!

BlueCareer also includes an administrative module that tracks the number of people who find jobs and their pay rate — data you can use to demonstrate your library's impact on the local economy.

Transform your library into a hub for skilled trade career development. Ask us about BlueCareer!

Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors.