Business Source Ultimate: Your Library’s New Hero From EBSCO


Business Source Ultimate might just be the hero your business students are looking for. It’s packed with the full text of leading business journals and magazines including Harvard Business Review. This video highlights the additional content including SWOT analyses, case studies, ahead of print content, three video collections and global journals.

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Business Source Ultimate: Your Library’s New Hero From EBSCO

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Are your researchers in need of a hero? Let Business Source Ultimate come to the rescue. It delivers top-quality business content for super results. This mighty collection offers more journals from the Financial Times FT50 Journals List than any other business database. Harvard Business Review, Fortune, MIS Quarterly and many more magazines power up business students’ research. Journals from Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania and Latin America swoop in to deliver global perspectives to business trends and insights. It rescues researchers with more than 3,600 active full text journals and magazines covering key business subjects. Business Source Ultimate conquers research dilemmas by covering topics in Accounting, Business Models, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resource Management and more. Unique case studies, SWOT analyses, company profiles, country reports and more add impressive strength to your business students’ research. Ahead of print content saves the day for researchers looking to get ahead. Videos from the Academy of Management, Business & Economics Collection and the Associated Press add mighty context to research topics. With a journal retail value of more than $1.16 million US Dollars, it maximizes your budget in a single bound. Welcome Business Source Ultimate as the new hero in your library.

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