Data-Driven Discoveries: Enhancing Library Catalogs with EBSCO FOLIO and BiblioGraph


BiblioGraph leverages BIBFRAME and Linked Data to connect library resources with data from authoritative sources. Learn more about how EBSCO FOLIO and BiblioGraph use BIBFRAME and Linked Data to enhance cataloging and resource discovery capabilities which provides a better experience for library users.

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Data-Driven Discoveries: Enhancing Library Catalogs with EBSCO FOLIO and BiblioGraph

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Hi, I'm Amy Thurlow, Director of Software Innovation at EBSCO. BiblioGraph is about sharing. It exposes people, topics and items within your library catalog on the open web, allowing your patrons to find, explore and access a variety of catalog content from wherever they start their search. Through the enablement of linked data, BiblioGraph works together with FOLIO to share your library’s resources to improve user interaction with library materials and assist with enhancing library cataloging and resource management.

FOLIO is focused on library management. The FOLIO library system uses linked data to offer a modern, interactive, web-friendly approach to bibliographic data representation. Combining FOLIO with BiblioGraph enhances library cataloging and resource discovery capabilities. By managing and sharing linked data using the combined systems, a library is better able to provide a superior user experience and help the library's valuable content be accessible to the user community.

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