Keeping and Using your License Information in FOLIO


Managing electronic resources in libraries often involves using spreadsheets or other systems to track licenses, sometimes stored in places like SharePoint or with a legal team. FOLIO ERM offers a secure, integrated platform to store, amend, and utilize license information, making it easily accessible and manageable. The FOLIO licensing app is part of a broader system where data flows between various applications, allowing libraries to efficiently manage electronic resources. Users can easily edit information, filter licenses by specific terms, and generate reports, all within the FOLIO environment. See all videos in this series.

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Keeping and Using your License Information in FOLIO

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Hello and welcome to FOLIO in Five. My name is Richard Burkitt. I'm Director of Innovation at EBSCO. In this short session, we're going to be talking about keeping and using your license information in FOLIO. How do you manage your electronic resources now? Lots of libraries use spreadsheets, even if the library system has some electronic resource management capabilities. If you do use a spreadsheet, where do you keep your licenses? Might it be on a SharePoint site? Maybe it's with your legal team. Maybe it's a paper copy in someone's office. There's no right or wrong, but FOLIO ERM allows you to securely store, amend, and utilize the license information that it contains so you can fully comply with the terms of the license agreement that you've entered into. It also keeps related information, such as key contacts, alongside the resource and at your fingertips, not in a spreadsheet that's locked away and only understood by 1 or 2 people. The FOLIO licensing app is part of both the full FOLIO Library Services platform and the FOLIO Electronic Resource Management Services. Here's how the system looks. Previously, I've looked at the underlying foundational EBSCO Global Knowledgebase and we can see here that there are several apps. Some are blue and some are orange. In the orange ones, we have the core ERM component pieces from FOLIO, and you can see here that we have a licensing app. These apps can be set up in a lot of different ways, and the data flows from and between the different applications to ensure that where you need data and where you have permission to view the data that it is available. It allows the library to effectively manage electronic resources and is part of the FOLIO ERM. Let's go take a look. Here you can see my FOLIO and FOLIO ERM environment for demonstrations. We see we've got lots of applications which are able to perform particular functions within the FOLIO environment. The data flows between all of these different applications. But today we're going to have a very quick look at the licensing app. In here, I'm going to search for a particular license. And I've located two of my licenses. This is the one that I want to look at. We can see here we've got that it's active. There's a start and end date, a title for this license and a description of this license. All this information is very easy to put into the system. We have internal contacts. We have organizations which links into the organizations FOLIO app. We got core documents, the terms of use and the open access terms, amendments that might have been made to the license and the agreements linked to the license. And very usefully a Notes field to catch all of the elements that might be of interest. If I wanted to go in and edit this, I can do so. I'm going to scroll down and I'm going to replace the user. In this case, we're going to replace Albus Dumbledore with another member of faculty. And you can see here that that member of faculty has been replaced. I'm going to click save. And that's immediately been updated within the FOLIO system. Scrolling down and wanting to have a quick look at the core documents, we can see that we have a Notes field here for any important information. We have the location of a physical copy of the license. We've got a URL, maybe for a SharePoint copy of the license. And then we've got a secure copy of the license held on the system itself. If we wanted to have a look at which license we have that have a particular term associated with them, then we can do so very easily. We go to the terms filter. We select it and we're going to have a look at, in this case, authorized user types. Contains alumni and apply that filter. We can now see that out of all the licenses that we have held within the FOLIO ERM or FOLIO system, all of these contain the right information for us to be able to go to whatever the system we want and say, these are those applications that include authorized user types for alumni. And we save that and we can then go off and create whatever report we can. So that's just a very, very quick look at some of the more basic functionality of the licensing app. Thank you very much. 

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