Guiding Students Through the Digital Seas: Library Databases as Educational Compasses


A 2024 survey of 478 U.S. school librarians, conducted by School Library Journal and EBSCO, underscored the important role library databases play in education. This infographic presents key insights from their responses. For a deeper dive, explore the white paper, Navigating Knowledge: Databases as Essential Research Tools for Public Libraries and Schools.

infographic highlighting results of a 2024 U.S school librarian survey about  library databases

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Guiding Students Through the Digital Seas: Library Databases as Educational Compasses

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Library Databases

Helping Students Navigate the Digital Seas

A 2024 survey of 478 U.S. school librarians by School Library Journal and EBSCO highlighted the educational value of library databases. Here is some of what they told us.

Database Usage

9 in 10 school libraries offer databases

Most common database activities for students

  1. Finding reliable reference materials
  2. Exploring research topics
  3. Learning citation practices

97% of school librarians agree that databases provide a helpful starting point for research

Database Content

Most important database topics:

  1. History/Social Studies
  2. Pro/Con View Point
  3. Current Events
  4. STEM
  5. Literature

Most popular database content types

  1. Magazine/journal articles
  2. Primary source documents
  3. E-books/book chapters
  4. Biographies
  5. Encyclopedias

User Experience

Interface features school librarians prioritize

  1. Easy navigation
  2. Accurate citations
  3. Translation
  4. Text to speech in multiple languages

1 in 3 students prefer topic browsing over traditional keyword searching


93% of schools use a single sign-on platform to authenticate users accessing library resources

36% of classroom teachers embed database content in their LMS courses

Source: EBSCO & School Library Journal. (2024). Navigating Knowledge: Databases as Essential Research Tools for Public Libraries and Schools [White paper].

For a deeper dive, explore the white paper, "Navigating Knowledge: Databases as Essential Research Tools for Public Libraries and Schools"