Located in the United Kingdom, the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) is a registered charity that assists professionals in the movement of goods and people and their associated supply chains. Established almost 100 years ago, CILT aims to enable innovation, excellence and value creation for both individuals and corporations by being the leading membership organisation and education provider within the logistics community.
CILT has been an EBSCO customer since 2002, when they first purchased the business reference database Business Source Corporate. In 2011, CILT upgraded to EBSCO’s Business Source Corporate Plus to support their 18,000 users — business and commercial clients as well as students — in accessing full-text content related to logistics, supply chain and transport.
As an organisation specializing in logistics and transportation, CILT required a research solution that would offer an immense library of resources on topics relevant to its industry, such as supply chains and transportation, in addition to more general business and commercial topics. CILT also needed immediate access to full text so that users could conduct in-depth research efficiently, and the content had to be both global and current to support the international and evolving nature of their business.
In addition, CILT sought a research solution that offered an intuitive user experience. Giving users the ability to create their own folders where they could save and store information was important to ensuring the best possible experience. CILT also required a tool with features such as cited references and in-product help.
After reviewing several tools available on the market, CILT discovered that there were no other products with the extent of content and ease of use that Business Source Corporate Plus offers. The choice was obvious, and CILT purchased Business Source Corporate Plus in 2011.
Since then, CILT users have found the information within Business Source Corporate Plus to be invaluable to their research. According to Knowledge Centre Manager Peter Huggins, the logistics, supply chain and transport journals are accessed most often, along with Harvard Business Review.
“I use [the database] on a daily basis to help me find information for member enquiries,” Huggins said, adding that members can set up search alerts in EBSCOhost to have relevant results sent to them via email. “The alert function keeps me abreast of specific industry information with the minimum amount of time and effort.”
In addition, students use the product’s company profiles and SWOT analyses in writing case studies, and the database’s vast library of general business resources have proven vital to their research.
“The quality of the content has met and exceeded expectations,” Huggins said. “There does not seem to be a business-related subject that Business Source Corporate Plus does not have some information on.”
To ensure that all members are aware of the database and taking advantage of all its features, CILT has been promoting Business Source Corporate Plus to end users through direct, in-person demonstrations. Individual members can visit the library where Huggins will conduct a hands-on, one-on-one presentation. Huggins also regularly travels to individual universities where he demonstrates the product to both undergraduate and graduate students in lecture halls.
Additionally, CILT holds “Open Days” at their headquarters where users can receive on-demand training.
Huggins said Business Source Corporate Plus has proven to be a sound investment for CILT. The database has become invaluable for members who rely on its content to successfully complete their work. Additionally, the availability of the database has helped CILT to recruit new members and retain existing members.
As one member noted, “Access to Business Source Corporate Plus is worth my annual membership alone.”
The quality of the content has met and exceeded expectations. There does not seem to be a business-related subject that Business Source Corporate Plus does not have some information on.
— Peter Huggins, Knowledge Centre Manager
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport