Alumni Databases — Database Collection
Help graduates succeed with full-text databases designed to support the research needs of post-college professionals
Showing 1 to 10 of 69317 results.
Alumni Databases — Database Collection
Help graduates succeed with full-text databases designed to support the research needs of post-college professionals
Health Care Resources from the American Psychological Association — Database Collection
Produced by The American Psychological Association (APA), this suite of databases provides researchers and clinicians with an unsurpassed collection of indexing and rich, full-text content spanning…
Wilson Retrospective Subject Indexes — Database Collection
Compiled and edited by index bibliographers and subject experts, these retrospective databases deliver relevant, reliable results in specific areas of study to enhance student research.
Psychology Resources of the APA — Database Collection
Produced by the American Psychological Association (APA), this suite of databases provides researchers with an unsurpassed collection of indexing and rich full-text content spanning the full spectrum…
Atla Historical Monographs Collection (11 Series) — Database Collection
Atla Historical Monographs Collection (11 Series) provides history and religious studies researchers with over 10 million pages and 29,000 documents focused on religious thought and practice. Eleven…
Music Resources from RILM — Database Collection
Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) documents and disseminates music research worldwide. It is committed to the comprehensive and accurate representation of music scholarship in…
The RIPM Suite of Full-Text Resources — Database Collection
Le Répertoire International de la Presse Musicale (RIPM) publications offer access online for the first time to extensive collections of rare, primary source music periodicals dating from the Early…
Atla Resources for the Study of Religion & Theology — Database Collection
Atla produces a variety of trusted research tools for the study of religion and theology. If you are looking for bibliographic information or full-text collections of journal articles covering…
ABC-CLIO Databases — Database Collection
ABC-CLIO’s research and curriculum databases offer dynamic, all-in-one solutions for 21st century educators, covering core social studies curriculum in 18 subject areas. The databases are designed to…
Magazine Archives — Database Collection
Access content from cover to cover in key magazines for research.