GOBI offers the widest range of e-book acquisition models, access options and publisher and aggregator platforms in one place. Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) programs are just one of the ways GOBI supports e-book acquisition for librarians who want to stay on-budget and acquire high-quality content based on actual usage on the publisher e-book platform. 

EBA programs offer librarians the flexibility to choose broad or granular access to content from a specific publisher, involve users directly in the selection of content, and maintain control of making final, informed decisions. GOBI partners with IGI Global, Taylor & Francis and Wiley to offer their Evidence-Based Acquisitions programs, while providing services to support libraries throughout the program and help librarians make the best acquisitions decisions.  

Five Ways GOBI Supports Evidence-Based Acquisitions for Libraries

  1. High-Quality Content – EBA programs enable libraries to provide DRM-Free, Unlimited User Access to high-quality backlist or frontlist e-books, delivered on the publisher platform. 
  2. Budget Management – Libraries can set a deposit amount at the start of the program and commit to a spend that works for their budget.  
  3. Acquisition Support – At the end of the program, libraries select and acquire titles based on actual usage and other evidence provided in an enhanced usage report that includes proprietary metadata available only through GOBI. 
  4. Duplication Control – With easy identification of owned or active titles in GOBI, libraries can be sure that they are only acquiring the e-books they need.  
  5. Customized Cataloging RecordsReceive customizable MARC discovery records for all active titles in the program to support maximum discoverability and ongoing management of EBA titles.   

Want to learn more about E-Books in GOBI

View our interactive e-brochure to learn about e-book acquisition models, collection development support services, platform partners, and how GOBI can support e-book acquisition.