Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

A.  Professionally, I have worked in a variety of nursing roles, including postpartum care, public health, infection control, occupational health, emergency response and global health. As a professor, I partnered with undergraduate, MSN, and doctoral students to achieve their academic goals. On a personal level, I love to read, cook, eat, travel with my family, watch movies, spend time outdoors, watch my daughter compete in sports and cuddle with our dog.

Q. What did you do prior to joining EBSCO’s Nursing and Allied Health Editorial Leadership Team?

A.  I taught at a liberal arts university in the BSN, MSN, and DNP program.

Q. What inspired you to become a healthcare professional?

A. My mother worked in the healthcare arena, and from an early age, I found myself interested in nursing. I was always drawn to the aspect of healing through a variety of avenues. From an early age, the opportunity to witness healthcare professionals influence the lives of others through clinical excellence, compassion, and education offered tremendous inspiration to pursue a nursing career.

My mother worked in the healthcare arena, and from an early age, I found myself interested in nursing.

Q. What drew you to EBSCO and our Nursing and Allied Health Editorial Leadership team?

A.  I appreciate EBSCO’s commitment to providing initiatives and resources to assist nursing professionals at the point of care, and in particular, the company’s global commitment to making meaningful change through the support of clinical related services.

Q. What is your favorite part of your job?

A.  My favorite part of my job is knowing that the work we complete is impacting clinical education, care and decision making, resulting in better patient outcomes.

Q. What is your professional passion as it relates to healthcare?

A.  Partnering with others to provide sustainable health solutions to developing nations and assisting with building resources for nursing education and practice globally.