When you are looking to promote a program or print off a holiday closing sign, it’s natural to search by the topic and get just-right results. But sometimes you might not have a specific theme or subject in mind, just a general idea of the feeling you want to convey. Or you get too many results and need to narrow them down.
With the LibraryAware all-templates search, it’s easy to find just the template to fit your needs.
Use NoveList Appeal terms
In addition to the traditional keywords you may expect to find describing the content of the template, we also tag them with words to describe the tone of the template, such as whimsical, quirky, upbeat, cartoony, creepy, or gritty.
Sometimes we go beyond appeal vocabulary we use in NoveList and add tags such as cozy, cheerful, happy, or sad to better help you find what you’re looking for.

Search by design elements
Don’t forget that we tag the prominent color, design elements, and image subject matter, so if you’re making a flyer and all you know is that you want some polka dots, we have you covered!

If you find a template you like and are interested in finding other templates with similar elements, click on the “Preview” link to find the tagged keywords. These may give you ideas for other search terms to try.

Customize our templates for your community
I encourage you to play around in the all-template search with different combinations of keywords to see what results you get. All of our templates are fully editable, so you can start with a design you like and swap out elements to customize it for your purposes. Want a quick crash course on design best practices when creating your own items from scratch? Our graphic designers pull back the curtain on the core design principles they follow when creating our eye-popping templates!
Denise Turner is a Senior Graphic Designer for NoveList. She is currently reading Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty.