Ron Dieckmann, MD, MPH
Dr. Dieckmann was educated at Harvard, Stanford Medical School, and the Berkeley School of Public Health. He is a Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics and Medicine at University of California, San Francisco and was the Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at San Francisco General Hospital for 25 years. Triple board certified in pediatrics, pediatric emergency medicine, and general emergency medicine, Dr. Dieckmann has edited five first edition medical textbooks, is a frequent speaker at national and international medical conferences and has received national awards for service to American medical education and training. In 2003, he co-founded “PEMSoft-The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Software,” a decision-support software knowledge system which is now owned by EBSCO. His international family travels led him to create the global health non-profit organization, KidsCareEverywhere, and to donate medical software to under-resourced health systems in the low-income world.