If you get a little nervous when a reader asks for recommendations in a genre you don't personally read, you’ll love our recommendations. NoveList Plus allows your library to stand out by helping readers find books that perfectly match their reading preferences and moods.
What makes a good recommendation?
A good reading recommendation is built on trust. NoveList Plus will tell you why a book, author, or series is recommended, and if it’s one of our handwritten recommendations. This trust, in combination with an extensively tagged database of titles and unique story elements like appeal, genre, and theme, makes searching for book recommendations truly helpful.
Our process
Our experts evaluate and write recommendations, crafting them by hand. We’ve created a sophisticated algorithm that considers subjects, genres, and our signature appeal terms. Every recommendation has a human touch.
NoveList is committed to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion across our products. One way we are doing that is by making it easier for our users to find stories by and about people with diverse identities. Our story elements help readers connect with characters and authors of various races, genders, cultures, nationalities, orientations, religions, and abilities. We also hold ourselves to high standards of inclusivity when curating read-alikes, book lists, library promotional materials, training, and more.
By librarians, for librarians
NoveList Plus is created by librarians, for librarians. We have over 25 librarians on staff, plus others from around the country who contribute their expertise. Read more about our team.
You talk, we listen
We take your feedback very seriously. Every page in NoveList Plus has a feedback button at the top – use it to tell us anything. We also have a thumbs-up / thumbs-down feature where you can let us know if you agree with our recommendations. Got a read-alike you'd like to see included in the databases? Let us know.