EBSCO ODI Conformance Checklists

ODI Conformance Checklists for EBSCO Information Services

The following checklists demonstrate EBSCO’s support of NISO RP-19-2020, Open Discovery Initiative: Promoting Transparency in Discovery.

ODI Conformance Checklist: Content Provider


Y/P/N Recommended Reference Comment
P Content Provider makes core metadata and underlying full-text/original content for complete offerings available to Discovery Service Providers. (1) EBSCO’s original open sharing and collaboration policy was announced in April 2014 and included the sharing of data from more than 240 full text databases. In the latest revised policy, we have moved beyond a selected list of databases, into an approach that supersedes the notion of specific databases. As such, we want to assure customers that any EBSCO full text to which a given library subscribes can be discoverable via discovery services from partner companies that share EBSCO’s desire to support customers through true collaboration and upholding library choice. Read more here
Y Content Provider makes the core set of metadata elements and content item (full text, transcript, etc.) for each item submitted for indexing available to Discovery Service Providers. (2) All applicable and available metadata elements corresponding with full-text records available from EBSCO, and for which we have rights to share, would be made available per the overarching policy referenced above. For reasons outlined in section 2.2 of the ODI recommended practice, traditional A&I resources are considered differently.
Y Title  
Y Authors  
Y Author Identifier  
Y Publisher Name  
Y Volume  
Y Issue  
Y Page(s)  
Y Date/Date Range  
Y Item Identifier  
Y Component of Title  
Y Compontent of Title Identifier  
Y Item URL  
Y Open Access Designation  
Y Content Type  
Y Content Format  
Y Language  
Y Indexing Data  
Y Full Text/Transcript  
Y Abstract/Description  
Y Content Provider provides libraries, on request, with a statement of participation in the discovery services, including disclosure of coverage depth and content depth. 3.2.2  
Y Content Provider’s agreements with Discovery Service Providers do not include NDAs. 3.2.3  
Y The transfer of Content Provider’s data to Discovery Service Providers makes use of existing standards where applicable and uses one of the metadata encoding schemes listed in 3.3.3. 3.2.4  
Y Content Provider provides data to support OpenURL resolution (ANSI/NISO Z39.88-2004 (R2010) The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services). The resulting OpenURL should link to the item itself, or as close to it as possible in the content provider’s site structure. 3.2.5  
Y Content Provider provides clear channels for reporting discovery related support issues. 3.2.6  


ODI Conformance Checklist: Discovery Service Provider


Y/P/N Recommended Reference Comment
Y Discovery Service provides collection-level content listing for library customers.  
Y Provider  
Y Market product  
Y Titles in KB  
Y Titles in Central Index  
Y Number of unique records in Central Index  
Y Percent of records full-text searchable in Central Index  
Y Percent of records abstract searchable in Central Index  
Y Percent of records subject searchable in Central Index  
Y Percent of articles that are free to read Upon request, we can provide lists of titles with free to read articles and percentage of articles in total that are free to read when applicable metadata is available. This information leverages various tools and data sources to determine free to read status.
Y Date of last market product update  
Y Date of last report update  
Y Discovery Service provides title-level content listing for library customers.  
Y Title  
Y Standard identifier  
Y Content format  
Y Content type  
Y Dates of coverage or date of publication  
Y Number of records in Central Index  
Y Percent of records full-text searchable in Central Index  
Y Percent of records abstract searchable in Central Index  
Y Percent of records subject searchable in Central Index  
P Percent of articles that are free to read

Upon request, we can provide lists of titles with free to read articles and percentage of articles in total that are free to read when applicable metadata is available. This information leverages various tools and data sources to determine free to read status.

Y Date of last report update  
Y Distribution of metadata elements  
Y Provide data in downloadable form  
Y Provide data in tab-delimited text files (1)  
Y Use ProviderName_YYYY-MM-DD.csv naming convention (2)  
Y Provide monthly reports (3)  
Y Secure access to the reports (4)  
Y Linking 3.3.2  
Y Discovery Service does not discriminate among Content Providers contributing to the service. 3.3.2 (1)  
Y Mechanisms are offered to enable libraries to establish preferences regarding which platforms to present to users as link targets, and in what order or priority. 3.3.2 (2)  
Y Discovery Service confirms non-bias with regard to content indexed and results presented to the user. A statement in this regard is published annually. 3.3.2 (3)  
Y Discovery Service uses an algorithm that is non-preferential with regard to the Content Provider for generating result sets, relevance rankings, and link order. 3.3.2 (4)  
Y Link presentation associated with a given result is configurable by libraries. 3.3.2 (5)  
Y Discovery Service supplies content providers and libraries with information when material changes are made to the discovery service that could impact the result set or relevance rankings or link order of results. 3.3.2 (6)  
Y File formats and methods of transfer 3.3.3  
Y Provides description of capabilities, limitations, and preferences regarding how content providers should transfer data to them for the most effective indexing by the discovery service. 3.3.3 (1)  
Y Communicates to content providers when format, schema, or transport mechanisms will have an impact on features or performance of the discovery service. 3.3.3 (2)  
Y Uses mutually agreed-upon robust metadata encoding schemas. 3.3.3 (3)  
Y Uses mutually agreed-upon method and schedule for delivery of metadata. 3.3.3 (4)  
Y Discovery Service provides COUNTER-compliant usage reports on schedule to all content providers.  
  Discovery Service includes a referrer URL identifying the discovery service when linking to content platforms or link resolvers.  
Y Discovery Service provides usage metrics to libraries.  
Y Report on total number of searches per month. (1)  
P Report on total number of unique visitors per month. (2) This can be provided at a customer level, with dependencies on user settings and other profile level settings.
Y Report on total number of click-throughs per month. (3)  
Y Report top 500 search queries for the last period. (4)  
Y Report top 100 referring URLs to the Discovery Service for the last period. (5)  
P Discovery Service displays the "free_to_read" indicator and provides the license reference element  for all content to which it has been applied. 3.3.5 Where Open Access metadata is provided by partner content sources, this data is available. For other sources it may not be currently available. EBSCO is, however, working with various third-party services that will enable a more thorough view of this information across sources of data.
Y Discovery Service provides mechanism to only allow certain databases to be searchable by authenticated users. 3.3.6 (1)  
Y Discovery Service takes measures to ensure that certain databases are only activated by mutual subscribers if desired by the content provider. 3.3.6 (2)  


Discovery Service alternative coverage lists clearly indicate the metadata fields indexed are alternatives to specialized data, and note potential differences in quality, depth, and currency. 3.3.7 EBSCO does not provide alternative coverage lists relating to critical indexes for which there is no alternative to the quality these resources bring. This is not to say that specific journals and sources are not covered in the central index, but to emphasize the fact that discovery services cannot be considered a viable replacement for detailed subject indexes (i.e., A&I databases).
Y Discovery Service should be able to exclude records from merged or grouped records if desired by the content provider. 3.3.8 (1) This is a non-issue as it is not applicable. EBSCO does not merge or group records.
Y Discovery Service should be able to display the source provider of the record and their logo. 3.3.8 (2)  
Y Records in Discovery Service should include a link back to the source provider’s platform if supplied by the provider. 3.3.8 (3)  
Y Discovery Service makes available documentation that describes how metadata is generally utilized within the relevance algorithm and how it enhances discoverability. 3.3.9  
Y Discovery Service utilizes the core metadata and underlying full-text/original content for complete offerings provided by content providers. 3.3.10  
Y Discovery Service Provider provides clear channels for reporting support issues. 3.3.11