High-quality, curated ecosystem data is the backbone of every EcoMap platform. We use proprietary technology to gather, clean, tag and update information about your ecosystem, including organizations, resources, events, jobs and news. All data curated by EcoMap is reviewed by EcoMap’s data team for accuracy, currency and applicability.
You only pay for the data that EcoMap curates. Administrators and users can add unlimited data to your platform. Additionally, you can split up your allocated data assets in any way between Organizations, Resources, Events, Jobs or News.
All EcoMap platforms come with the following features/pages, which can be toggled on/off depending on your preferences:
- Resource/Organization Directories: Users can search or get matched to specific resources/organizations.
- User Directory: Users can explore and connect with fellow users of the platform.
- Keyword Directory: Users can explore all the keywords used across the platform and see which assets map to which keywords.
- User-Curated Lists: Users can view, create, save, and share personalized lists of ecosystem assets on the platform.
- Guides: Users can view, create, save and share guides of the ecosystem, combining a blog-like interface with the ability to embed information about platform assets.
- Events Calendar: Users can discover upcoming events to attend or promote ones they are hosting.
- News Feed: Users can read, post or filter relevant news articles in the ecosystem.
- Admin Panel: Using this control panel, administrators can configure many components of their platform, including platform design, data management, site copy, onboarding questions, user permissions and additional settings.
- Analytics Dashboard: Administrators can view metrics about the platform, including web traffic, popular data assets, user journeys throughout the platform and additional analytics.