Faith Today

Faith Today is Canada's Christian magazine, the leading national magazine for Canada's estimated four million evangelical Christians. It connects, informs and profiles Evangelicals across all national denominational traditions, equipping readers with expert research and insight into Canadian culture, Christian life and ministry. Since 1983, Faith Today has delivered trustworthy journalism on a wide range of key issues, providing news, profiles, analysis, opinions, book and music reviews, and practical how-to articles. Faith Today is published by The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, the national association of Evangelicals in Canada and the Canadian regional member of the World Evangelical Alliance. You can learn about the history of Faith Today on the EFC website. Faith Today is produced by senior editors Bill Fledderus and Karen Stiller and designer Janice Van Eck, together with a team of writers and contributors across Canada, overseen by executive vice-president David Guretzki.

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Publisher: Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC)

ISSN: 0832-1191

Categories: News, Politics & Social Issues; Religion; Canada

* Not all titles are available in all markets.

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