Rabbit: A Journal for Nonfiction Poetry

Rabbit was founded in 2011 as a journal for 'nonfiction poetry'-the journal intends to celebrate the potential for poetry to explore and interrogate the boundaries of nonfiction writing, encouraging poets to engage with auto/biography, history, politics, mathematics, cultural analysis, science and other aspects of real world experience. Rabbit includes poetry, reviews, interviews, essays on poetry and poetics and exciting visual art by poet-artists, and has fast become a leading journal in the field of poetry in Australia-and a pioneer in the field of nonfiction poetry. Rabbit has published work by major international poets including Johanna Drucker (US), Craig Santos Perez (Hawai'i), Eileen Myles (US), Dennis Cooley (Canada) and Phillip Gross (UK), as well as leading Australian poets as diverse as Kate Middleton, Stuart Barnes, Lucy Dougan, Kent MacCarter, Sam Wagan Watson, Natalie Harkin, Amy Ireland and David McCooey. In late 2013, Rabbit established the Rabbit Poets Series (RPS), which is dedicated to the publication and promotion of works by emerging poets who have not had a first book published. All RPS books are sent for free to Rabbit subscribers.

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Publisher: RMIT University, School of Media & Communication

ISSN: 2200-9868

Categories: Literary

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