Designed for public libraries, MasterFILE Complete offers the highest quality collection of popular full-text magazines, reference books, videos and other sources covering virtually every subject area. Helping patrons find relevant content has never been easier.

The Most Popular Magazines for Public Libraries

MasterFILE Complete offers ongoing full text for the most popular magazines for public libraries, including:

  • The Atlantic*
  • Better Homes and Gardens*
  • Congressional Digest*
  • Consumer Reports*
  • Discover*
  • Essence*
  • Food Network Magazine*
  • The Nation*
  • National Review
  • The New Republic*
  • New Scientist
  • Newsweek
  • People*
  • Real Simple*
  • Rolling Stone
  • Scientific American*
  • Science News*
  • Science World*
  • Sky & Telescope*
  • Sports Illustrated*
  • TIME*
  • Travel + Leisure*
  • U.S. News & World Report*

*Active full text is unique to EBSCO.

Additional Content

MasterFILE Complete also includes:

  • 75,000 videos from the Associated Press
  • 55,000 full-text primary source documents
  • 63,000 full-text biographies
  • A vast image collection of more than 2 million photos, maps and flags

It also includes full-text reference books, encyclopedias and monographs and a companion e-book collection containing reference titles from top educational publishers and university presses.​

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection

The MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection is offered as a companion to MasterFILE databases, containing reference books from top educational publishers and university presses. This encompasses a rich selection of titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, architecture, literature, cooking, health and wellness, science, self-help, religion, current events, sports, travel and more.

Easy-to-Use Interface and Search

MasterFILE Complete is available via EBSCOhost, Explora, and EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). EDS gives your community access to all of your digital resources, including your catalog, through one search box from your library’s home page.