Yehiel Dinur


  • Born: May 16, 1909
  • Birthplace: Sosnowiec, Poland
  • Died: July 17, 2001
  • Place of death: Tel Aviv, Israel


Yehiel Dinur was born in Sosnowiec, Poland, in 1917, and died in Tel Aviv, Israel, on July 17, 2001. Known by his pen name, “Ka-Tzeknik 135633” (his prison number), Dinur was kept in the largest Nazi concentration camp in Poland, Auschwitz, from 1943 to 1945. He wrote a series of graphic and compelling novels about the whole Holocaust experience.


Bet habubot (1953; House of Dolls, 1955), which depicted the Nazi sexual exploitation of Jewish girls, was his most famous work, sold over five million copies, and was translated into more than twenty languages. He also composedSalamandrah, 1946 (Sunrise over Hell, 1977), Qaru lo piepel, 1961 (Piepel, 1961), Kakhol me-efer, 1966 (Phoenix over the Galilee, 1969), and Tsofen E.D.M.A.: Masa hagar’in shel aushvits, 1987 (Shivitti: A Vision, 1989). Many of these works have been criticized for their explicit depictions of rape and sadism.

His novels became required reading in Israeli schools, and were bestsellers in Europe during the 1950’s and 1960’s, and it was his testimony at Adolf Eichmann’s trial in 1961 that helped to convict the mastermind of the Nazi Holocaust. At the end of his life, he was working actively to bring Israelis and Palestinians together, and to end the violence in the Middle East. He and his wife, the author and translator Nina De-Nur, founded the Israeli Movement for Arab-Jewish Cooperation in 1965. He will always be known as one of the writers who most powerfully exposed the Nazi treatment of the Jews during World War II.