International business: Research Starters Topic

International business: Research Starters Topic

International business comes in many forms: international development; international trade; and multinational corporations. Each of these three forms of international business, while very different in structure, play a significant role in nations' economies, business development and the establishment and maintenance of close, peaceful relationships. There are numerous Research Starter articles related to the topic of interational business. The list below includes the most relevant Research Starter items.

Balance of Payments

Bretton Woods System

Business in Emerging Markets

Common Market

Cross-Cultural Relations

Customs Union

Development of Nations in the Global Economy

Economic Unions

Environment and the Global Economy

European Union and its Expansion

Exchange Rate

Export -- Import Operations


Global Issues in Management

Global Marketing

Global Outsourcing

Globalization and International Accounting

Globalization and International Economics

Globalization and International Financial Management

Gold Standard

Growth of Nations in the Global Economy

International Advertising

International Banking

International Business Law

International Business Operations

International Corporate Finance

International Corporate Travel

International Economic Development

International Financial Accounting

International Financial Management

International Financial Markets

International Housing Comparisons

International Industrial Development Strategies

International Management of Human Resources

International Marketing

International Political Economy (IPE)

International Real Estate Investing

International Supply Chain Management

International Technology Transfer

International Trade Economics

Managing the Global Workforce

Multinational Business Finance


Topics in International Business

Trade Creation and Diversion

Types of Business Organizations