Natural treatments for interstitial cystitis
Natural treatments for interstitial cystitis (IC) focus on managing the symptoms of this chronic and often painful bladder condition, which affects a significantly higher number of women than men. While the precise cause of IC remains uncertain, it can lead to urgent and frequent urination, discomfort, and pelvic pain, often worsened by certain foods and stress. Some proposed natural treatments that may offer relief include dietary modifications aimed at avoiding symptom-triggering foods such as coffee, chocolate, and spicy items. Supplements such as quercetin, arginine, and glycosaminoglycans have been explored, although evidence of their effectiveness varies, with some trials showing limited or inconclusive results.
Alternative therapies like guided imagery, acupuncture, and transcutaneous electrical stimulation have also been suggested, with preliminary findings indicating potential benefits. Stress management techniques, including yoga and meditation, can aid in easing the symptoms associated with IC. Additionally, herbal remedies like aloe vera, corn silk, and probiotics are thought to promote bladder health, but reliable evidence supporting these treatments is minimal. Overall, individuals seeking natural treatment options for IC may benefit from exploring these various approaches while remaining aware of their personal experiences and responses.
Natural treatments for interstitial cystitis
- DEFINITION: Treatment of severe and chronic inflammation of the bladder.
- OTHER PROPOSED NATURAL TREATMENTS: Arginine, dietary changes, glycosaminoglycans, guided imagery, quercetin, transcutaneous electrical stimulation, aloe vera, marshmallow root, corn silk, uva ursi, probiotics, stress management, essential oils, acupuncture
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a severe, chronic inflammation of the bladder that is both disruptive and painful. Many more women than men have the condition.
The symptoms of IC are notoriously variable and can differ from one person to another, or for one person from day to day. People with IC usually have an urgent and frequent need to urinate. They may experience recurring discomfort, tenderness, pressure, or intense pain in the bladder and surrounding pelvic area. This pain often intensifies as the bladder fills and may be exacerbated by sexual intercourse. Certain foods may trigger symptoms; the most commonly mentioned include tomatoes, vinegar, spicy foods, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, and fruits and vegetables.
IC is generally diagnosed after other conditions with similar symptoms, such as bladder infection, herpes, and vaginal infection, have been excluded. The cause of IC is unknown. Although its symptoms resemble a bladder infection, IC does not appear to be caused by bacteria. One theory proposes that IC is caused by an infectious agent that has not been detected. A different theory holds that IC is an autoimmune reaction; still another theory is that it is related to allergies. Because it varies so much in symptoms and severity, IC may be not one disease but several.
A variety of treatments are often tried alone or in combination before one is found to work. Oral antihistamines such as hydroxyzine (Atarax) and cetirizine (Zyrtec) may provide relief, and the drowsiness they produce often wears off over time. Other medications used for IC include pentosan polysulfate sodium (Elmiron), pyridium, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Distending the bladder by filling it to capacity with water for two to eight minutes is frequently useful. Still, although the beneficial effects may persist for months, symptoms eventually return. In some cases, medications such as dimethyl sulfoxide and heparin may be introduced into the bladder with a catheter; actual surgical alteration of the bladder is rarely used to treat IC.
Proposed Natural Treatments
Few well-documented natural treatments for interstitial cystitis exist, but some supplements have shown promise.
Quercetin. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that may have anti-inflammatory properties. A small, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that a quercetin supplement reduced interstitial cystitis symptoms.
Arginine. The amino acid arginine helps the body make nitric oxide, which relaxes smooth muscles like those found in the bladder. Based on this mechanism, arginine has been proposed as a treatment for IC.
A three-month double-blind trial of fifty-three people with interstitial cystitis found only weak indications that arginine might improve symptoms. Several participants dropped out of the study; when this was adequately considered using an ITT analysis method, no benefit could be proven.
Glycosaminoglycans. There is some evidence that in interstitial cystitis, the bladder's surface layer is deficient in protective natural substances called glycosaminoglycans. This, in turn, might allow the bladder to become inflamed and initiate autoimmune reactions.
Based on these preliminary findings, supplemental glycosaminoglycans in the form of mesoglycan or chondroitin sulfate have been suggested for interstitial cystitis. However, there is no reliable evidence that they work.
Transcutaneous electrical stimulation. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation is primarily used (with mixed results) to treat muscular pain. It has also been tried for interstitial cystitis, but the evidence that it works is preliminary.
Diet. Although there is no solid scientific evidence that dietary changes can relieve IC, many people find that certain foods increase symptoms. The most frequently cited offenders are coffee, chocolate, ethanol, carbonated drinks, citrus fruits, and tomatoes. Based on these reports, it may be worthwhile to experiment with one’s diet.
Guided imagery. Preliminary evidence suggests that guided imagery may help some women with IC. In one study, listening to a script designed to heal the bladder, relax the pelvic floor muscles, and quieten the nerves involved in IC showed some benefits. It is questionable whether these improvements were significant without an adequate placebo comparison.
Other Natural Treatments
Several other natural treatments for IC have been proposed. Stress management techniques, such as yoga and meditation, may offer benefits similar to guided imagery. Acupuncture has also been suggested. Herbal supplements, such as aloe vera, marshmallow root, corn silk, and uva ursi, may offer symptom relief. Adding probiotics to one's diet can increase the beneficial bacteria in the bladder and urinary tract. Finally, essential oils, such as lavender and chamomile, may ease stress related to IC.
Carrico, D. J., K. M. Peters, and A. C. Diokno. "Guided Imagery for Women with Interstitial Cystitis." Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 14, 2008, pp. 53-60.
Cartledge, J. J., A. M. Davies, and I. Eardley. "A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial of the Efficacy of L-Arginine in the Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis." BJU International, vol. 85, 2000, pp. 421-426.
Giorgi, Anna. "Cystitis and Bladder Inflammation in Females and Males." VeryWell Health, 26 June 2024, Accessed 28 Sept. 2024.
Palylyk-Colwell, E. "Chondroitin Sulfate for Interstitial Cystitis." Issues in Emerging Health Technologies, vol. 84, 2006, pp. 1-4.
"Top 10 Natural Remedies for Painful Bladder Syndrome Relief." RG Stone Hospital, 18 June 2024, Accessed 28 Sept. 2024.
Whitmore, Kristene E. "Complementary and Alternative Therapies As Treatment Approaches for Interstitial Cystitis." Reviews in Urology, vol. 4, no. Suppl 1, 2002, p. S28, Accessed 28 Sept. 2024.