Economic opportunities
Economic opportunities refer to the prospects for individuals to achieve financial improvement through better employment, land ownership, and entrepreneurial ventures. Historically, these opportunities have been a significant motivator for immigrants seeking a better life in the United States. From early settlers in the 18th century striving for land ownership to industrial workers in the 19th and 20th centuries pursuing jobs, the quest for economic advancement has shaped immigration patterns and societal development.
Throughout different periods, various immigrant groups have arrived in the U.S., driven by the promise of economic prosperity. The Irish, for instance, sought work during the construction of infrastructure like the Erie Canal, while German and Scandinavian immigrants aimed for agricultural opportunities in the Midwest. The late 20th century saw shifts in immigration driven by family reunification and labor demands in various sectors.
In contemporary times, the dynamic of economic opportunities continues to evolve, with immigration becoming a focal point in political discourse. As labor shortages emerge in developed nations due to demographic changes, the interplay between economic needs and immigration policies remains a critical issue, reflecting broader societal attitudes toward cultural diversity and economic integration.
Economic opportunities
DEFINITION: Opportunities to find better employment, to own land, and to trade and build businesses that have attracted immigrants to the United States
SIGNIFICANCE: Throughout the history of the United States, quests for economic betterment have been a driving force behind the decisions of immigrants to come to the United States. Most immigrants remain permanently after they arrive, but an estimated 30 percent of them eventually return to their original homelands. Most who return do so after saving the amounts of money they have set as their goal.
Before the American Revolution in the late eighteenth century, the vast majority of immigrants to what would later become the United States came from the British Isles. Although many of these early immigrants sought new homes to create communities and share their religious beliefs without government hindrance, they also sought something else that had become difficult to obtain in their homeland—ownership of freehold land—land without overlords. Some immigrants came hoping to become landlords themselves and profit from producing crops not readily available in England—such as tobacco, where the climate and soil of colonies such as Virginia were particularly suitable. By the eighteenth century, a new economic motive helped drive immigration—opportunities to prosper from the international trade in which the American colonies were beginning to participate.
Another sizeable contingent of immigrants came involuntarily—Africans imported as slaves. Although they came unwillingly, their labor made possible the development of large landholdings in British North America’s southern colonies—helping many European immigrants realize their own dreams of becoming agricultural entrepreneurs. Along with these involuntary immigrants were many Europeans who voluntarily endured indentured servitude because they lacked the capital to finance their own transportation to America. Unlike enslaved Africans, however, their indentures were only for limited periods of time. In some colonies during the seventeenth century, indentured servants were given small freeholds themselves after they had worked off their indentures.
By the time of the American Revolution, the lands up and down the Eastern Seaboard between Massachusetts and Georgia had become well settled—a more diverse society began to develop. The first cities to emerge were nearly all seaports—which offered many economic opportunities for employment and trade. Colonial society was then still overwhelmingly made up of people earning their livings from cultivating the land, but it also included many who made their livings by providing services to the urban dwellers that were needed to support international trade.
Early Nineteenth Century
US Census records of immigration into the United States began in 1820, but estimates from the years between the Revolution and about 1815 showed immigration was slowing down. However, it accelerated during the 1820s and continued until the US Civil War began in 1861. The acquisition of most of the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River from Great Britain meant the United States had a vast, undeveloped region open to agriculture. After most of the Indigenous peoples were forceably driven from their lands, the land was largely unoccupied and began attracting settlers from coastal areas eager to buy superior farming land from the federal government cheaply. It also opened up land for new waves of immigrants from Europe.

The first great wave of immigrants to come were the Irishmost of whom were young men coming to work. One of the first great projects to employ Irish immigrants was New York State’s Erie Canalconstruction began in 1817. By the 1820s, the majority of Erie Canal workers were Irishmany saved money to purchase their own land and become independent farmers. Some succeeded, but the vast majority did notremained wage laborers in the numerous small businesses emerging around the canal.
Most of the Irish immigrantsparticularly those who came during the time of the Great Irish Famine of the late 1840seventually settled in the growing cities. Many work in the textile mills that emerged first in New England. The mills drew heavily on Irish immigrants after they began by recruiting local farm girls as their first employeeshe Irish proved to be a relatively reliable source of unskilled and semiskilled labor.
Meanwhile, changing economic developments in Europe impelled people from other countries to emigrate. Many European farmers were becoming unable to make their livings from the ever-smaller plots of land that members of each succeeding generation inherited, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for them to supplement their meager farm income with seasonal labor in the form of handwork as spinners and weavers. Immigrating to the United States offered the hope of finding opportunities when none existed at home. Significant numbers of farmers left peasant villages in southwestern Germany and traveled to America. Many of them settled in the midwestern states of the Old NorthwestOhio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. Like the Irish, they tended to congregate in communities made up primarily of fellow European immigrantsgiving their neighborhoods a distinctively German character.
Late Nineteenth Century
The US Civil War put a temporary brake on immigrationafter it ended in 1865 the flood of immigration resumed. Rapidly developing industrialization saw railroad expansion of railroads, building of large steel plants, and coal mine exploitation on unprecedented scales. A combination of these and other developments drew great numbers of Europeans to the United States. Among the new immigrants were many Norwegians wholike the Germanssought to exploit the agricultural lands of the Midwest and gave Minnesota and the rest of the Upper Midwest its heavily Scandinavian character. Other immigrants were beginning to come from eastern Europe, where the creation of large agricultural estates was diminishing opportunities for peasants to acquire land for themselves. This wave of immigrants peaked in 1907a year during which more than six million new immigrants entered the United States.
A major technological development that contributed to the increased flow of immigrants was the shift from sailing vessels to steam-powered ships. Prior to the Civil War, the overwhelming majority of immigrants crossed the Atlantic Ocean in sailing vesselsthis changed shortly after the war as oceanic travel became faster, cheaper, safer, and more comfortable. Europeans willing to travel in steerage class could cross the Atlantic for as little as twenty-five dollars. Companies that owned the steamships drummed up business by actively recruiting people in Europe to go to America.
During this same period, the ethnic mix of immigrants was changing. By this time, Italians, Poles, Greeks, Slavs from the Balkans, and, large numbers of Jews from eastern Europe made up the bulk of immigrants to the United States. As with the Irish before the war, individuals from these groups tended to cluster together in ethnic enclaves in the cities and towns where others from their immigrant groups settled. It was not uncommon for American employers seeking workers to contract with members of these communities to pass the word to their fellow countrymen in their homelands about available jobs.
The outbreak of World War I in 1914 put a stop to the great flood of immigration. Meanwhile, that flood engendered a backlash among many native-born Americans. Aside from laws specifically prohibiting Chinese immigrants, the first comprehensive immigration legislation was passed in 1891. This law created the Bureau of Immigration within the Department of the Treasury and sought to prohibit immigrants with disabilities. It was only after World War I, however, that group restrictions were imposed to discourage immigration from countries other than those of western and northern Europe. A major exception was made for Mexican agricultural workers, who were brought into the United States on a seasonal basis under the bracero programwhich began in 1943. It was never intended that these workers would permanently stay in the United Statesthey were carefully policed and returned to Mexico at the end of their contractual periods. In addition, the lack of employment opportunities during the Great Depression years of the 1930s ensured few would want to come.
Late Twentieth-Century Immigration
Federal rules governing US immigration changed dramatically after passage of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Under the new rules, family unification became a primary goal, and most new immigrants came from countries in the Western Hemisphereparticularly Latin American countries. During the 1970s, substantial numbers of Vietnamese and other Asians immigrated into the US. With this next ethnic mix, the traditional emphasis on assimilation was somewhat modifiedpartly because members of second and later generations of earlier immigrants showed that members of immigrant families gradually abandoned their original cultures. Greater tolerance was shown for immigrants who retained their old cultures, so long as they also learned to speak English.
Although these later waves of immigrants tended to remain longer in low-wage jobs requiring only limited skills, controversies arose during periods of economic downturns as some people argued immigrant workers are depriving American citizens of industrial jobs. In addition, the offshoring of manufacturing jobs to developing nationsparticularly those in Latin America and Asiahas also cooled down the welcoming of new immigrants.
Twenty-First Century Immigration Issues
The history of the United States showed immigration was a constant factor throughout its existence. There had been ebbs and flows and differences in the ethnic makeup of immigrants throughout the centuries. Nonetheless, the United States transformed itself from an isolated set of colonies to a hemispheric actor, and finally to a global superpowerpartly because of this aspect of its national character.
In the twenty-first-century, the United States became caught up in a global conundrum facing developed countries. This was where non-immigrant populations in developed countries experienced declining birth rates and longer life expectancies. The result was older societal segments in the developed world were growing larger, while numbers in younger demographics contracted. Many western countries met labor shortfalls by encouraging the entrance of a large number of immigrant workers. These same societies, nonetheless, came to feel their native cultures to be at risk by the presence of foreign newcomers. Ironically, many of these western countries had culturally transformed societies outside their borders as colonizers in previous centuries. This situation had reversed itself in the twenty-first century. Some countries such as Canada were forthright in acknowledging their dependence on immigration to meet labor and population replenishment needs. In other countries, right-wing nationalist movements emerged and threatened to become the popular ruling party of many Western governments, a situation not experienced since the end of World War II in 1945. Countries demonstrating these trends included France, Germany, Norway, and The Netherlands.
In the mid-2020s, the political response of the United States more resembled that of Western Europe. The spotlight the topic of immigration assumed in presidential elections was a prime illustration. For example, beginning with his first public statement announcing his candidacy in 2015, Donald Trump made immigration a central theme of his three presidential campaigns (2016, 2020, 2024) and presidency (2017-2021). The American public came to accept immigration as a core national issue. Immigration reduction and border control evolved into important party platforms for both major political parties.
Anderson, Stuart. "U.S. Immigration Critics Ignore Canada’s Welcome Mat For Immigrants." Forbes, 7 Nov. 2024. Accessed 8 Sept. 2024.
Bodnar, John. The Transplanted: A History of Immigrants in Urban America. Indiana University Press, 1985.
Borjas, George J. Friends or Strangers: The Impact of Immigrants on the US Economy. Basic Books, 1990.
Hareven, Tamara K., and Randolph Langenbach. Amoskeag: Life and Work in an American Factory-City. Pantheon Books, 1978.
Jones, Jeffrey. "Sharply More Americans Want to Curb Immigration to U.S." Gallup, 12 July 2024, Accessed 8 Sept. 2024.
Joppke, Christian, and Ewa Morawska, editors. Toward Assimilation and Citizenship: Immigrants in Liberal Nation-States. Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Millman, Joel. The Other Americans: How Immigrants Renew Our Country, Our Economy, and Our Values. Viking, 1997.
Moslimani, Muhamad and Jeffrey S. Pasel. “What the Data Says about Immigrants in the U.S.” Pew Research Center, 22 July 2024, Accessed 9 Sept. 2024.
Smith, James P., and Barry Edmonston, editors. The New Americans: Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration. National Academy Press, 1997.
Wyman, Mark. Round-Trip to America: The Immigrants Return to Europe, 1880–1930. Cornell University Press, 1993.