Analysis: The Gleaner Contemplates the Future Prospects of Women
The topic of women's future prospects, particularly in the context of education and societal roles, is a crucial subject of discussion in early feminist thought. Judith Sargent Murray, one of the pioneering figures in American feminist literature, advocated for the equality of women and their right to education during the late 18th century. Her writings emphasize the transformative potential of educating women, positioning them as essential contributors to the newly formed American republic. By equipping women with knowledge, she believed they could fulfill vital roles as virtuous mothers, shaping the next generation and ensuring the stability of the nation.
Murray's arguments also highlight historical examples of women's bravery and intellectual contributions, challenging prevailing prejudices of her time. She recognized that societal norms often confined women to domestic roles, but she argued that this should not obscure their capabilities or potential for greatness. Her vision of a more equitable society involves a call for women to advocate for their own education and to reject superficial standards of worth based on appearance. Furthermore, she explored the duality of women's experiences, contrasting the exalted and degraded representations of women across cultures, ultimately asserting that their equality is rooted in the natural order of society. This discussion invites deeper exploration of the evolution of women's rights and education within the broader canvas of feminist movements.
Analysis: The Gleaner Contemplates the Future Prospects of Women
Date: 1798
Author: Murray, Judith Sargent
Genre: essay
Summary Overview
“The Gleaner” was a male pseudonym for Judith Sargent Murray, who was one of the first American feminist writers. In this essay, “Observations on Female Abilities,” Murray argues for the equality of women, and more particularly for access to equal educational opportunities for women. The essay is part of Murray’s three-volume work, The Gleaner: A Miscellaneous Production in Three Volumes, published in 1798 and the first work to be self-published in America by a woman. The book echoes the main ideals of the American Revolution of liberty and freedom for all. Murray was also influenced by the Universalist religion and the Enlightenment concept of reason. Although The Gleaner appeared soon after the British feminist author Mary Wollstonecraft had published A Vindication of the Rights of Women in 1792, Murray had published a prior version of her ideas, “On the Equality of the Sexes” in 1790. She is therefore considered one of the founders of feminist thought and philosophy.
![Portrait of Mrs. John Stevens (Judith Sargent, later Mrs. John Murray). John Singleton Copley [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons 89183687-90742.jpg](
Document Analysis
In this essay, “Observations on Female Abilities,” which appears in the second volume of The Gleaner, Judith Sargent Murray makes a strong case for the advanced education of women in the new American republic. She begins by providing the reader with a number of arguments as to why all women should be educated. In support of these arguments, she cites a number of examples from history.
The essay follows the rhetorical theme of liberatory civic discourse, which was popular in the formative nation-building years in America. This theme focused on a citizen’s civic duty to the new republic in order to create political change. Murray’s premise for political change was to educate women to create virtuous mothers, who would then transmit their newfound virtue to the next generation of republicans. In this way, the new country would be assured of stable and competent leadership.
Murray introduces the topic of her essay through four lines of poetry, wherein she alludes to the importance of science, which had gained prominence during the scientific revolution that had occurred over the past two centuries. She notes that prejudice has resigned in favor of “sovereign reason,” meaning that the prejudice against women has been replaced by the reason that rules in the new republic. Here, she shows she is conversant with the thinking of the Enlightenment, the cultural and intellectual movement that advocated reason and intellect as a means to reform society.
Educating Women as Nation Builders
Murray begins her essay by referring explicitly to her previous essay, “On the Equality of the Sexes.” She states that the topic is not “exhausted” and that this essay will expand on it. She also admits to “collecting a few hints” to enhance and strengthen her previous argument. By 1798, at the time of publication, Mary Wollstonecraft’s popular work, A Vindication on the Rights of Women, had been published in 1792, so the topic was of current interest and under active debate.
Murray begins with an optimistic tone about women’s potential. She notes in the “exortium,” the introductory part of the essay, that women have benefitted from the American Revolution. Instead of needing only basic literacy and needlepoint skills, American women are now spending somewhere near half, “a moiety,” of their time in the pursuit of higher education. She refers here to the number of “female academies” that are being established. These were women-only places of learning, where women were being educated in more solidly academic topics such as composition, geography, and history.
As Murray was writing The Gleaner, America was in the midst of nation-building, trying to create a separate national identity and a separate culture from Britain while building on neo-classical republican ideals of politics and governance. Murray refers to this new American nation as “this younger world.” She clearly has a vision of this new republic as also providing a new era of gender equality for women, to whom she refers simply as “THE SEX.” She references Wollstonecraft’s prior work, but believes that America can improve on her ideas. This shows a desire on Murray’s part to differentiate America from Britain, and to improve upon their ideas, which is mirrored in the rhetoric of many other writers in the republic at the time. Murray wants to ensure that all women have access to an education, not just a chosen few: “we are ready to contend for the quantity, as well as quality, of mind.” She then urges younger women to advocate for their own education, but in a reasoned way. The more often younger women come together to rationally refute the arguments of opponents to women’s education, the more these opponents will fade away, until “not a dissenting voice will be heard.” Murray uses an old maritime saying of “contending with wind and tide” to explain how futile it would be to argue against the benefits of educating all women.
Continuing with her theme of optimism, Murray feels confident that America’s young women would form “a new era in female history.” In order to do this however, they would have to turn away from the more ordinary female pursuits that take up much of their time, such as activities designed to enhance their beauty. A person’s worth, to Murray, does not equate to personal appearance, but rather to virtue and humility, which a liberal education would help promote. She wants women to spend less time paying attention to their appearance, which is “an unworthy monopolizer of time” and more time developing their minds. In essence, she is advocating for a change of focus on the values that women hold for themselves. This emphasis on education leading to virtue is a recurring theme in Murray’s writings.
Even though she was a radical thinker when it came to the equality of women’s intellect and education, Murray is conservative in how she views the relationship between men and women. She realizes that the universal education of women may have disruptive effects on the traditional gender roles in society, and she takes pains to explain to young women how they should behave with their newfound knowledge. They should be kind, tolerant, modest, just and virtuous, in order not to upset the traditional roles between men and women too much. They will need to retain a “retiring sweetness” that will ensure men’s “consideration and respect” toward them. Women will also need to use reason at every turn, and this will serve to deflect any “invidious and rancorous passions” they may feel. Murray also explains how women should enter into more academic discussions, saying that they should “shun even the semblance of pedantry”; in other words, women should avoid discussions where they could become overly involved in obscure and trivial details. They need to “rather question than assert” when making a point, and to assume the person—here she means the man—they are having a discussion with has simply forgotten the point of the argument, as opposed to never having thought of it in the first place.
This, then, is her ideal for the “daughters of Columbia,” meaning the women of America. Columbia was a common name for America during this time period, and was always symbolized as a woman. Murray’s ideal woman includes her central role as mother, which means she would have a great influence on the family unit. A woman’s responsibility, to Murray, is to raise children who would be the future of the republic, and this was an extremely important role. In essence, she discusses the aims and theory of “Republican Motherhood.” If women were successful as the keepers and transmitters of the ideal of civic virtue through their role as educated mothers, then the republic would be secure. This ideal mother is “sensible and informed,” handles all domestic duties competently, ensures the morality of the family with the help of religion, and has impeccable social manners and conversation skills. Murray believes that the end result will be the “family of reason.” Education will enrich women’s lives; this will enrich families, which will, in turn, enrich the republic.
Arguments for the Equality of the Sexes
After explaining to the reader the benefits of educating women, Murray turns her attention to historical examples that will support her argument. Her view is that the inequality of women should be completely unacceptable within an “enlightened age.” It is, she states, the mark of a civilized nation to understand and acknowledge the worth of women. Murray is not naïve, however. She realizes that prejudice against women has its followers, and therefore she is explicit in the logic of the ordering of her essay: “we produce, instead of arguments, a number of well attested facts.”
Murray begins this section by explaining that women have historically shown great bravery and heroics in battle despite limited education and being depressed by their traditional work. “Quitting the loom and distaff” means leaving the confines of this traditional female work behind. Her point here is that women can be heroes as well as men, and Murray introduces her reader to numerous examples. She starts with women’s activities when their sons and husbands are on the battlefield. She explains that if men begin to flee the battlefield, women will stop them. Mothers will also scour the battlefield after the fighting has ended to find their sons, and if they find they have died from a wound in the front—and not the back, implying cowardice—they will sing a “requiem,” or mass for the dead. Murray then asserts that women themselves have taken an active role in war; they have stopped the progress of the enemy and have rescued homes that were under siege. They have taken up arms and “mingled amid the battling class” in order to help oppose tyranny and liberate their countries. She concludes her discussion of women’s role in war by speaking of the bravery of those women who were voluntarily imprisoned to try to secure the release of their husbands captured by the enemy.
Murray turns next to women’s intellectual contributions. She states that they have debated on points of religion, and have been top professors, or “chairs,” in subjects as erudite as philosophy and law. Many have command of other languages, and she notes Greek and Hebrew as examples. She also mentions that women have persuaded Christian kings and bishops, using their intellect and rhetoric, to go on crusade against the enemies of Christianity.
The paragraph on the “days of knight-errantry” discusses women in the Middle Ages. Within this time period, Murray notes that knights and their ladies were engaged in a mutually supportive quest for chivalry, which meant demonstrations of bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women. For their part, women were the judges of virtues and vices, and tried to encourage all things virtuous. Murray states that the characteristics of “pride, heroism, extravagant attachments” were equally shared by both men and women. Women of the same social station as knights shared the same adventurous experiences as their knights. In this way, Murray again demonstrates the equality of women: “they are copyists of the other” and they share the same opinions, habits and emotions of the other sex. She includes here that the “Northern nations,” presumably Germanic and Scandinavian peoples, have always venerated women. While these men were hunting in forests or engaged in battle, the prize for their “valour” was the smile of a woman.
The next part of the essay discusses women’s spirituality and their ability to communicate with the divine. Murray explains that “the common Father of the universe manifests himself more readily to females than to males.” Here, she does not focus solely on the Christian ideal of God. She uses as examples ancient Greek, Roman, Jewish, and Egyptian women who worked as prophets and seers, those who could foretell the future. She then describes the more “barbarous nations,” assuring the reader that here, too, women were capable of great spiritual work, including knowledge of the “arcana,” or secret knowledge or mysteries. Murray reports that women from many nations have had “prescience,” the ability to tell the future, and have also “possessed qualities approximating to divinity.”
After explaining to the reader the reasons for the education of women and the many historical precedents for it, Murray calls the veneration of these historic women “undue elevation.” This warning against raising uneducated women too high is another argument for equality among the sexes. Murray then changes strategy to discuss the dangers of not educating women. In order to illustrate this alternate view, she provides examples of degradation, rather than veneration, of women. She states that “females among the savages of our country”—American Indian women—are treated poorly and live “in a state of humiliation.” In this paragraph, Murray borrows liberally from an unsigned 1775 work usually attributed to Thomas Paine, entitled “An Occasional Letter On The Female Sex.”
In discussing the situation of uneducated South American Indian women, Murray states that they are treated “brutally and cruelly” and have to bear “incredible hardships and toils.” As a result, some decide to kill their female babies instead of destining them to the same fate as their mothers. Note the use of the term “banks of the Oronoko,” which refers to the Orinoco River of South America; this term eventually came to mean any exotic place or thing, regardless of actual location. Murray then cites John Byron, who had published An Account of a Voyage Around the World in 1768. Reporting on women in South America, Byron states that they are treated as property by their husbands, who can buy and sell—”dispose”—them at will. Although the women are completely responsible for obtaining food, they are not allowed to touch it until their husbands eat, at which point their portion is “very scanty.”
In the conclusion of Murray’s essay, she highlights the two different images of women she has described, both the exalted version and the humiliated one. She tells the reader that this extreme difference in the treatment and position of women has led to women’s lack of “stability of character.” She notes that that their accomplishments in the face of this differential treatment are therefore quite astonishing. Murray then sets the stage for her next essay in The Gleaner, which focuses on the exploits and accomplishments of famous women to provide further proof—”vouchers”—of their equality with men. She ends her essay by asserting that women’s equality is due to them because it is part of the “Order of Nature,” the natural order of things.
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