Battle of Colenso

Type of action: Ground battle in the Boer Wars

Date: December 15, 1899

Location: Colenso, Natal, South Africa

Combatants: 18,000 British vs. 4,500 Boers

Principal commanders:British, General Redvers Henry Buller (1839–1908); Boer, Commandant Louis Botha (1862–1919)

Result: British forces were defeated in their attempt to lift the Siege of Ladysmith

A British force under General Redvers Henry Buller advanced to lift the Siege of Ladysmith. Ten miles south of Ladysmith, Boer commander Louis Botha established a defensive position on a series of low hills running east to west, on the north side of the Thukela River, next to Colenso. Buller shelled Boer positions two days before launching an assault, but this had a negligible effect on the well-entrenched and concealed Boers. On December 15, Buller sent four brigades forward, completely ignorant of enemy dispositions. Little thought was given to seizing a hill on the Boer left that could have threatened their entire position. British forces were pinned down along the riverbank and in Colenso by accurate fire from the Boers, who were armed with smokeless Mausers. Two British gun batteries recklessly deployed at close range to the enemy and had most of their gunners and horses shot down. His troops already withdrawing, Buller called a halt to the attack in a matter of hours. Ten guns were lost to the Boers. The British suffered 1,127 casualties, 145 of which were deaths; Boer losses totaled barely 50.



Colenso was the final defeat of “Black Week,” halting the first British offensive. These debacles were a shock to the smug British imperial mind-set and revealed a British army trained to fight primal tribesmen but poorly prepared to face well-armed and determined European opponents.


Hall, Darrell. The Hall Handbook of the Anglo-Boer War. Durban, South Africa: University of Natal, 1999.

Knight, Ian. Colenso: 1899. Osprey Campaign Series. London: Osprey, Reed International Books, 1995.

Pakenham, Thomas. The Boer War. New York: Random House, 1979.