Battle of Munda

Type of action: Ground battle in Roman Civil Wars of 88-30 b.c.e.

Date: March 17, 45 b.c.e.

Location: Southeast of Ecija in Spain, near Osuna or Montilla.

Combatants: Caesar’s eight veteran but understrength legions (32,000? men) vs. eleven understrength largely non-Italian legions (45,000? men)

Principal commanders:Roman, Julius Caesar (100-44 b.c.e.); Rebel, Gnaeus Pompeius (d. 45 b.c.e.), Sextus Pompeius (d. 35 b.c.e.), Titus Labienus (d. 45 b.c.e.)

Result: Caesar killed three-quarters of the opposing army

Julius Caesar had already defeated Republican armies at Pharsalus in Greece and Thapsus in Africa, and his most prominent political enemies were dead. Domitius Ahenobarbus and Pompey the Great had died in 48 b.c.e., Metellus Scipio and Cato Uticensis in 46 b.c.e. Diehards refusing to accept battlefield verdicts or Caesar’s pardon assembled in Spain. After the Thapsus campaign and quadruple triumph in Rome (October, 46 b.c.e.), Caesar left for Spain, picking up troops along the way. Ancient accounts of the campaign are unclear; evidently a tough fight near Munda became a rout. Titus Labienus was killed in the battle and Gnaeus Pompeius in flight in 45 b.c.e. Sextus Pompeius fought Caesarians until his death in 35 b.c.e.



Munda was the last effort of the Republicans and Pompeians to beat Caesar militarily. When it fell, so did Spain. Having gained control of Rome, Caesar pushed reforms, received honors, and displayed clemency. However, Republican leaders remained opposed to Caesar, forming the Liberator Party, and he was compelled to rely on his associates and take more power into his own hands. In February, 44 b.c.e., he was made dictator for life; on March 15, he was killed. Many of his assassins were Republicans who had previously received pardons from Caesar.


Brunt, P. A. Italian Manpower 225b.c.-a.d. 14. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971.

Gelzer, Matthias. Caesar: A Politician and Statesman. Oxford: Blackwell, 1968.

Grant, Michael. Julius Caesar. New York: M. Evans, 1992.

Keppie, Lawrence. The Making of the Roman Army. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998.