Aerospace Engineer


Career Cluster(s): Manufacturing, Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Interests: Engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, flight, jet propulsion

Earnings (Yearly Average):$126,880 per year $61.00 per hour

Employment & Outlook: 6% (As fast as average)

Entry-Level Education Bachelor's degree

Related Work Experience None

On-the-job-Training None


Sphere of Work.Aerospace engineers design, develop, test, maintain, and assist in the manufacture of different types of aircraft, missiles, spacecraft, and other technologically advanced modes of transport. Aerospace engineers in the field of aeronautical engineering work on civilian and military aircraft, which may include helicopters, airliners, fighter jets, missiles, and other airborne craft. Aerospace engineers in the field of astronautical engineering work with satellites, rockets, and similar space-bound technologies. Aerospace engineers focus on aerodynamics, propulsion, hull composition, communications networks, and electrical systems.


Work Environment. Aerospace engineers typically work in government or business offices, where they manage administrative tasks, design models and schematics, and write reports. They also spend time working in laboratories, industrial plants, and manufacturing facilities, where they work with other technicians to assemble systems and aircraft. Those engineers who work in astronautical engineering also work at launch facilities, while aeronautical engineering typically requires spending time at noisy airfields. Aerospace engineers generally work in several complex and busy locations over the course of a project, with many separate activities taking place simultaneously. They work a regular forty-hour workweek, although longer hours may be required as deadlines draw near.

Occupation Interest. Aerospace engineers are part of an exciting industry, one that helps develop high-speed trains, deep-sea vessels, missiles/rockets, commercial airliners, and many other large aircraft and spacecraft. They use the most advanced technology to design, build, test, and maintain these vehicles. Because they have expertise unique to their field and area of specialization, aerospace engineers receive highly competitive salaries. The job market for aerospace engineers is continuously growing, thanks to the sales of new aircraft and missiles, as well as growth in the commercial airline construction industry.

A Day in the Life—Duties and Responsibilities. There are two basic types of aerospace engineers aeronautical engineers (who focus on aircraft, missiles, and other “earthbound” technologies) and astronautical engineers (who focus on spacecraft and space exploration technologies). Both aeronautical and astronautical engineers further specialize in certain types of products or product features. Aerospace engineers create conceptual designs of aeronautical or astronautical vehicles, instrumentation, defense systems, guidance and navigation systems, and propulsion systems according to the specifications of the client. They also improve the structural design of existing aircraft and spacecraft. Some engineers specialize in innovating more sophisticated production methods. All of these design and development processes include practical steps such as analyzing production costs, developing quality control standards, and testing methodologies, as well as establishing timelines for project development and completion. During the course of construction and/or assembly, aerospace engineers travel to the production site and conduct inspections and tests on the systems to ensure that they are operating efficiently and according to the needs of the client. Many aerospace engineers assist in the production phase, integrating systems and examining components as they are being built.

When production is complete, the aerospace engineer creates performance and technical reports so that customers have a full knowledge of the vehicle’s capabilities. He or she retains copies of such reports for future reference. In the event that the vehicle or a vehicular system malfunctions, aerospace engineers play an important role in the investigation, examining damaged parts and reviewing performance reports and other documentation to determine the cause of the malfunction.

Aerodynamists (002.061-010). Aerodynamists analyze the suitability and application of designs for aircraft and missiles. They also plan and evaluate the results of laboratory and flight-test programs.

Field Service Engineers (002.167-014). Field Service Engineers study performance reports on aircraft and recommend ways of eliminating the causes of flight and service problems in airplanes.

Aeronautical Research Engineers (002.061-026). Aeronautical Research Engineers conduct research in the field of aeronautics.

Stress Analysts (002.061-030). Stress Analysts study the ability of airplanes, missiles, and components to withstand stress during flight.

Aeronautical Test Engineers (002.061-018). Aeronautical Test Engineers plan and supervise the performance testing of aerospace and aircraft products.

Aeronautical Design Engineers (002.061-022). Aeronautical Design Engineers develop basic design concepts used in the design, development and production of aeronautical/aerospace products and systems.

Value Engineers (002.167-010). Value Engineers plan and coordinate engineering activities to develop and apply standardized production requirements for parts and equipment used in aircraft and aerospace vehicles.

Aeronautical Project Engineers (002.167-018). Aeronautical Project Engineers direct and coordinate activities of personnel who design systems and equipment for aeronautical and aerospace products.

Aeronautical Drafters (002.261-010). Aeronautical Drafters draft engineering drawings and other equipment and scale models of prototype aircraft that is planned by engineers.

Work Environment

Immediate Physical Environment. Aerospace engineers spend long hours working at drawing boards in offices but also spend significant amounts of time working in laboratories, manufacturing facilities, test facilities, and airfields. These locations are generally clean, very well organized, and well ventilated. There are physical risks when working with or in close proximity to machines, electricity, manufacturing chemicals, and engines, so safety protocols are strictly enforced.

Human Environment. Aerospace engineers work with many other professionals, including engineers with different specialties. They interact with electricians, technicians, construction personnel, forklift and other heavy machinery operators, physicists, chemists, and project managers.

Technological Environment. Aerospace engineers use a variety of analytical tools and sophisticated technology in their daily work. Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software, as well as a variety of computer modeling and design programs, are used for planning and design. Analytical and scientific software help aerospace engineers to examine thermal patterns, complex mathematical formulas, and other aspects of systems engineering. At test facilities, engineers use such tools as flow meters, lasers, and vibration testing equipment.

Education, Training, and Advancement

High School/Secondary. High school students who intend to become aerospace engineers should study mathematics, including algebra, applied mathematics, trigonometry, calculus, and geometry. Physics, chemistry, and other laboratory sciences are equally important. Computer science courses expose high school students to design and analytical software, while industrial arts courses expose them to mechanical equipment, such as engines and electrical systems. High school students interested in the field of aerospace engineering must apply to related college or university programs.

Postsecondary. All aerospace engineers must have at least a bachelor’s degree in engineering. Most obtain a master’s degree or a doctorate in engineering, mathematics, or natural sciences. Some universities and colleges offer two- and four-year degrees in engineering technology. These programs give students direct exposure to applied engineering, which is useful for future design and production work.

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“Aerospace Engineers.” Occupational Employment and Wages, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Dept of Labor, 6 Sept. 2023, 8 Sept. 2023.

“17-2011 Aerospace Engineers.” Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2022,, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Dept of Labor, 25 Apr. 2023, 8 Sept. 2023.