Haitian immigrants

SIGNIFICANCE: Although Haitians are citizens of the second-oldest republic in the Western Hemisphere, an island nation located only seven hundred miles from the United States, they have experienced unique difficulties in finding acceptance as immigrants and have become one of the most abused groups of immigrants in modern American history. Black, French- or Creole-speaking, and generally very poor, Haitians have had difficulty assimilating into American society.

A comparatively small Caribbean nation whose people are virtually all descendants of African slaves, Haiti occupies the western third of the island of Hispaniola, which it shares with the Dominican Republic. Immediately to its west is the larger island of Cuba, and the much smaller island of Puerto Rico lies to the east of Hispaniola. After a 1697 treaty between France and Spain split the island into French and Spanish colonies, France began developing its western portion as the colony of Saint-Domingue. Saint-Domingue proved a deadly home to European settlers, but over the course of the next century, African slave labor made it a prosperous sugar- and coffee-producing colony. During the 1790s, the Black workers on whose backs the colony’s prosperity was built rose up in revolt. After a decade of bloody wars, the enslaved population ousted the French and established the independent nation of Haiti in 1804.

Over the next two centuries, Haiti never gained full political stability and became one of the poorest nations in the world. Nevertheless, its population continued to grow. By the twentieth century, its limited arable land could not easily feed all its people, and emigration to other countries became an increasingly attractive option for many Haitians.

Twentieth-Century Pressures

During the early twentieth century, many rural Haitians began moving to the cities, causing such overcrowding that many city residents sought better living conditions abroad. Some went east, overland to the adjacent Dominican Republic, and some went to French-speaking African countries and to French Canada. Many others emigrated to the nearby United States. Mostly from Haiti’s small middle and upper classes, these emigrants were generally well educated—some had attended schools in France—and most found new homes and good jobs abroad.

During the 1950s and 1960s, Haitian emigration increased after President François “Papa Doc” Duvalier declared himself ruler for life and deprived his citizens of privileges and rights they had enjoyed under earlier regimes. The best-educated Haitians—doctors, lawyers, teachers, and engineers—who opposed Duvalier were special targets of his animosity. They left the country in large numbers, creating a serious “brain drain” that the country could ill afford. Indeed, so many qualified doctors left between 1957 and 1963 that only 3 of the 264 graduates of Haiti’s lone medical school remained in Haiti.

From 1957 until his death in 1971, Duvalier continued his repressive regime. As the country’s economy deteriorated, more Haitians fled to America, where the sympathetic US government welcomed them. During only three decades, the United States issued more than one million entry visas to Haitians. Many were given to semiskilled workers who ostensibly wanted only to visit relatives already in the United States. However, many of these people overstayed their allotted time limits with the intention of gaining permanent residence status.

By the 1960s, immigrants to the United States were coming not only from Haiti’s cities but also from its villages and small towns. After arriving, these immigrants tended not to venture far from where they first set foot in America. As a result, they congregated in South Florida, where large Haitian communities arose in Miami and other South Florida cities. As the numbers of French- and Creole-speaking Haitians increased, the welcoming attitudes of the US government and the American public cooled. However, after Lyndon B. Johnson became president in 1963, he focused on domestic issues and the expanding Vietnam War and regarded Haitian immigration as little more than a minor annoyance.

Late-Twentieth-Century Boat People

The less welcoming attitude of Americans did not, however, reduce Haitian interest in coming to the United States. Poverty, political repression, and crime were making life in Haiti increasingly difficult. Impediments placed in the way of emigrants by both the Haitian and US governments simply forced the emigrants to become more inventive. During the 1970s, Haitians began trying to reach the United States on small, often unseaworthy boats, risking drowning at sea. During the 1980s, the exodus of Haitians by boat was so great that many people were using almost any craft that would float to reach South Florida. The distance they had to travel was several times greater than that required by Cubans sailing small boats to Florida.

The Haitians using small boats to emigrate were generally from the poorest classes—those who could not afford airfares or government exit visas. Because they arrived in the United States with no kind of documentation that would allow them to enter legally, they tried to enter surreptitiously. Those who successfully entered the United States then had to live underground until they could legitimize their presence. The US Immigration and Naturalization Service estimated that about 55,000 Haitian boat people safely reached the United States after 1980, but it also admitted as many as 45,000 may have escaped detection. The number of would-be immigrants who perished at sea can only be conjectured. About 85 percent of the boat people settled in Miami.

Most of the Haitian immigrants who came during the 1980s were related to Haitians already living in the United States when they arrived. These immigrants were generally literate with some job skills and were consequently able to contribute to their new communities. However, as the total number of these immigrants increased, a backlash against them developed in the United States. As with many earlier immigrant groups in America, the Haitians were accused of placing new burdens on America’s already overburdened welfare systems and of taking jobs from American citizens.

During 1981 alone, nearly one thousand Haitian boat people arrived in South Florida every month. Some came indirectly, after first passing through the Bahamas. The US government tried to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants through an agreement with the Haitian government that allowed it to interdict Haitian boats before they neared the Florida coast and return Haitian immigrants to Haiti.

Haitians in the United States

Haitians are culturally distinct from other West Indians, most of whom speak Spanish or English. French is the official language of Haiti, but many rural Haitians speak only Haitian Creole, which isolates them linguistically. After Haitians settle in the United States, they tend not to identify with other nonwhite immigrant groups or even with African Americans.

Most Haitians are devout Christians, both Roman Catholics and Protestants, whose Christian religious rituals typically incorporate special island features. A large majority of recently arrived Haitians in South Florida attend weekly services at churches, which—like their island counterparts—play more than a spiritual role by helping the sick and the poor. Haitians have great respect for religion and members of the clergy. This respect was evident when Haiti made a former priest, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, its first democratically elected president in 1991, after the Duvaliers were ousted from power.

Black, non-English speaking, and culturally unique, Haitian immigrants have experienced innumerable instances of prejudice and discrimination in the United States. Most are of African descent, so historically they faced the same discriminatory Jim Crow laws and racist attitudes as Black Americans. However, even after strong civil rights laws and softening American attitudes toward racial minorities began making life in America more equitable for people of color, Haitians faced new forms of discrimination. Their retention of Vodoun rituals and other traditional religious and medical practices, as well as their frequent return visits to Haiti, have likely helped brand them as “different.”

During the 1970s and 1980s, a new negative stereotype was attached to the Haitian immigrants: they were accused of being disease carriers. Initially, tuberculosis was said to be endemic among the Haitian population. An even worse condemnation came later, when Haitians were officially “identified” as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) carriers. This designation was later removed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but the US Food and Drug Administration refused to accept blood donations from all persons of Haitian descent during the late 1980s.

During the 1980s, about 800,000 people of Haitian descent were living in the United States. They included naturalized citizens; legal immigrants; nonimmigrants, such as students, temporary workers, tourists, Haitian government personnel, and employees of international organizations; undocumented aliens; persons on transitional status; and refugees requesting political asylum. Those seeking refugee status came by the thousands during the four years of military rule in Haiti, from 1991 to 1994, following the exile of “Baby Doc” Duvalier. The situation in Haiti being so horrendous, many were granted refugee status and resettled in areas all around the nation.

In 2009, 830,000 people of Haitian descent were living in the United States, of whom 59 percent were foreign-born; nearly 9,000 Haitians were also temporarily allowed to reside in the United States following the historic 2010 earthquake that devastated their country. Florida and New York were home to most, followed by Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Washington, DC, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Illinois (particularly Chicago), and California. Miami, Florida, had an ethnic enclave called “Little Haiti.” New York City had Haitian enclaves in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, Elmont, and Long Island. Queens is also a favored location for those Haitians with the means to purchase single-family homes. Boston also has a Haitian enclave.

In these and other areas, Haitians have set up many businesses that cater to the special needs of their fellow countrymen. Along with barbershops and car services, they operate restaurants specializing in Haitian cuisine. Haitians able to support themselves and their families in America tend not to forget their allegiance to their homeland and relatives they have left behind. They remit hundreds of millions of dollars a year to relatives in Haiti. These remittances have become an important part of the Haitian national economy.

Throughout the 2010s and 2020s, Haitians continued to attempt to immigrate to the US, despite policies enacted to slow their arrival. Conditions in Haiti continued to worsen following the 2010 earthquake. After President Jovenel Moïse, who was accused of increasingly authoritarian rule, took office in 2017, increases in gang violence, kidnappings, and other human rights concerns were reported. The uncontrolled spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Haiti further complicated conditions. In July 2021, Moïse was assassinated, bringing even more unrest to the country. As Haitians continued to attempt to flee their country, human rights groups reported abuses by border control agents who were accused of using violent and excessive force to control the migrants. Furthermore, the US, under the administration of President Joe Biden, instituted new expulsion flights to Haiti in September 2021 for those caught at the border. Human rights groups sought to halt deportations to Haiti, as the situation continued to grow worse following Moïse's assassination and another large earthquake, and accused the Biden administration of violating US and international law.

Over one million Haitian Americans lived in the U.S. in 2022, primarily in Florida and New York, despite thousands being deported. The UNHCR called for countries to refrain from returning Haitian refugees, as the crisis in the country was life-threatening. In January 2023, the Department of Human Services announced a new process intended to simplify and expedite the process allowing Haitian Americans to bring their family members still living in Haiti to the US, but this required documentation proving the immediate family member’s relationship.

2023–2024 Crisis

In March 2024, Haiti erupted into chaotic violence as armed gangs became the de facto rulers of the country. For US officials, the primary concern was a new wave of Haitian immigrants fleeing US shores and borders. In addition to the previous migratory efforts on boats, many Haitians made overland trips across Central America and Mexico to reach the United States. Along with poorer segments of Haitian society, many new migrants were of the middle class. In a three year period from 2020–2023, US border officials encountered Haitians seeking entry 146,000 times. In a nine-month period from October 2022 to June 2023, 4,600 Haitian migrants were interdicted at sea by the US Coast Guard, a figure that grew to 7,000 by October. US government policy was to returned Haitians interdicted at sea back to Haiti. In addition to the Coast Guard of the United States, those of other regional countries such as the Bahamas and Jamaica also participated in these operations.

Haitian migratory efforts by boats were hazardous and often resulted in tragedy. Thousands perished by drowning in such attempts. In July 2024, a boat carrying a group to the Caicos Islands caught fire off the coastal town of Cap-Haitien resulting in the death of 40 migrants aboard the ship. The Haitian Coast Guard rescued an additional 41 others. The migrants were fleeing the gang-related violence.

Another phenomenon was the migration of Haitians to the United States after having first moved to South American countries such as Chile. In many cases, Haitians had lived for years in Chile before deciding on the arduous trip north. After the arrival of an estimated 182,000 migrants into Chile, many Haitians believed the government had soured on their presence. Access to jobs and housing became a challenge. In addition to Haitians, many Venezuelans arrived in Chile following the economic collapse of that country. This large and rapid influx of both migrant communities placed strain on social resources, and reportedly, eroded the goodwill of segments of Chilean society.


Adams, David C., and James Wagner. “At Least 40 Migrants Die in Boat Fire Off Haitian Coast, U.N. Says.” New York Times, 19 July 2024, www.nytimes.com/2024/07/19/world/americas/boat-fire-haiti-migrants.html. Accessed 9 Sept. 2024.

Berg, Matt, and Nahal Toosi. "More than 100 Haitian Migrants Land in Key West after Spending 7 Days at Sea." Politico, 5 Mar. 2024, www.politico.com/news/2024/03/05/united-states-worried-haiti-crisis-migration-00145080. Accessed 9 Sept. 2024.

Bonnefoy, Pascale. "Why Haitians in Chile Keep Heading North to the U.S." New York Times, 27 Sept. 2021, www.nytimes.com/2021/09/27/world/americas/chile-haitian-migrants.html. Accessed 9 Sept. 2024.

Foner, Nancy, ed. American Arrivals: Anthropology Engages the New Immigration. Oxford, England: James Currey, 2004.

Gaines, Jena, and Stuart Anderson, eds. Haitian Immigration. Mason Crest, 2004.

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Schiller, Nina, and Georges Fouron. Georges Woke Up Laughing: Long-Distance Nationalism and the Search for Home. 3rd. ed. Duke University Press, 2004.

Shaw-Taylor, Yoku, and Steven Tuch, eds. The Other African Americans: Contemporary African and Caribbean Immigrants in the United States. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.

Shell-Weiss, Melanie. Coming to Miami: A Social History. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2009.

Stepick, Alex, and Nancy Foner. Pride Against Prejudice: Haitians in the United States. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1998.

Winerip, Michael. "New Influx of Haitians, but Not Who Was Expected." New York Times, 15 Jan. 2011, www.nytimes.com/2011/01/16/education/16winerip.html?‗r=0. Accessed 14 Mar. 2023.

Zéphir, Flore. Haitian Immigrants in Black America: A Sociological and Sociolinguistic Portrait. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1996.