Baseball: Research Starters Topic

Baseball: Research Starters Topic

Baseball is an American game derived from the British sports of cricket and rounders in which two teams, of nine players each, use wood or metal bats to hit a hard, fist-sized ball. After the ball is put into play, offensive players run counterclockwise around a path delineated by four bases, with the intention of touching the fourth bag, home plate, in order to score a “run.” There are numerous Research Starter articles related to this topic. The list below includes the most relevant Research Starter items.

All-American Girls Professional Baseball League


Baseball strike of 1981

Baseball strike of 1994

Baseball's exemption from antitrust laws

Designated hitter (baseball)

Major League Baseball strike of 1972

National Baseball Hall of Fame

Negro League

Steroids in baseball

Landmark events

Baseball Commissioner Peter Ueberroth Suspends Players for Cocaine Use

Baseball Commissioner Suspends Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays for Casino Ties

Baseball Holds Its First World Series

Baseball Manager Leo Durocher Is Suspended for Gambling Ties

Baseball Strike Forces Cancellation of the World Series

Baseball's First Professional Club

Beginning of Modern Baseball

Dedication of the Baseball Hall of Fame

First Major League Baseball All-Star Game

Flood Tests Baseball's Reserve Clause

Larsen Pitches a Perfect Game in Baseball's World Series

NBC Broadcasts the Baseball World Series

New York Yankees Acquire Babe Ruth

New York Yankees established

Players Challenge Baseball's Reserve Clause

Professional Baseball Players Go on Strike

Robinson Becomes Baseball's First African American Manager

Robinson Breaks the Color Line in Major-League Baseball

Yankee Baseball Great Lou Gehrig Dies