Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background in healthcare.

I completed a master’s degree in Medical Microbiology & Immunology, thinking I wanted a career exclusively in basic science research, but quickly realized I preferred working with and caring for people. I transitioned to nursing and worked at a children’s hospital with a primary focus on critical care and trauma. I became certified as a pediatric nurse practitioner, worked in primary care, supported population-based health, and staffed free clinics in our area before transitioning to pediatric orthopedics for the last 10 years.

What did you do prior to joining Dynamic Health’s clinical editor team?

I worked as a pediatric nurse practitioner in pediatric orthopedics caring for children as part of the perioperative process. I simultaneously staffed a full-time clinic and supported inpatients while precepting students and working on quality improvement projects ranging from improved website communication to safety and standardized protocols. In need of a new focus, I transitioned to freelance writing and became a contract writer for Dynamic Health prior to starting as a clinical editor.

What inspired you to become a health care professional?

I am in awe of science and how the human body works. This interest started at a very young age and pairing with helping people to maintain or improve their health has been the greatest reward I could have ever dreamed of in my career. I also enjoy a challenge. Diagnosing and treating can often feel like a puzzle.

What drew you to work at EBSCO Information Services on our clinical decisions products?

I enjoy writing and quality improvement. Educating professionals and patients is critical to maintaining high quality care. Providing care fills the day so having a resource like EBSCO’s clinical decisions products easily accessible to healthcare professionals allows for fast point-of-care information delivery.

What makes you passionate about working in healthcare?

Initially, I was drawn towards helping people and discovering better ways to treat and manage diseases. But now, I feel inspired to support those providing direct care by ensuring they have evidence-based resources that are clear, concise, and pertinent in their day-to-day care and continuing education.

What is your advice for people who are thinking about joining the health care space?

Choosing to work in health care is not easy. It demands constant curiosity, learning, empathy, and collaboration. The work can be physically, emotionally, and mentally draining, but it also has a huge impact on many lives to improve health and quality of life. Because of this, it is the most humbling and rewarding profession. I highly recommend looking for shadowing opportunities at your local hospital or clinic prior to choosing a career in health care.

Can you talk a little bit about your work on Dynamic Health?

I strive to provide the most pertinent, useful, and quality content available in the health learning space. I thoroughly enjoy researching topics, learning the latest guidelines or recommendations, and packaging information in a way that is easily digestible for the end user. The work feels impactful on a large scale.