90 results
The new EBSCO Discovery Service Health™ (EDS) user interface marries the personalized search features of popular websites to medical library functionalities.
Ticks carry a variety of diseases and are currently on the rise. Here are six tips to avoid tick bites and removal approaches for persons with an attached tick.
Daniel A. Ostrovsky, MD, FAAP, FACP, Topic Editor at DynaMed and Associate Professor at Duke University, shares what he’s learned about telehealth from being on both sides of virtual healthcare delivery.
Find out about EBSCO’s ongoing improvements to CKN, which have helped Queensland clinicians have better access, visibility and usage of patient-critical information resources.
While COVID-19 has dominated the media this year and rightfully so, it is not the only outbreak that’s been causing concern. In this blog, GIDEON recounts the ten most impactful Infectious Diseases of 2020.
Seven different COVID-19 vaccines are authorized around the world. Read about availability, vaccine types, vaccine efficacy, variants and vaccination precautions from the Infectious Disease team at DynaMed®.
Durability of immunity and risk of reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 is an important area of research, but what do the studies actually tell us about protection against COVID-19?
Hurricane Helene caused significant damage at the Baxter facility that supplies 60 percent of IV fluids and PD solutions in the U.S. Hear from the physicians at DynaMed about conserving and replacing fluids during the IV fluid and PD solution shortage.
Gain insight into one of the most influential medical journals, Annals of Internal Medicine, from Editor-in-Chief Christine Laine, MD, MPH, FACP.
Read about the most widely used sideline tool for assessing concussions, the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool - 5th Edition (SCAT5).