Technical Specifications
Preferred File Formats:
Accepted video formats (in order of preference):
- MP4
- avi
- flv
- m4v
- mov
- mpeg
- rm
- wmv
Accepted transcript file formats:
- txt Plain text (preferred), UTF-8 encoded
- csv
Preferred Delivery Methods:
- API, RSS, or other web services (preferred)
- Hard Drive Shipment
Preferred Metadata:
Two formats accepted:
- XML or other standard structured file (strongly preferred)
- EBSCO's Video Metadata Template (this can be obtained from your Publisher Support Representative)
Please see the Submission Guidelines for Videos for additional details.
Please submit your request through our publisher support form. For the quickest response, please be sure to include the month/quarter for which you would like royalties information.
If you have any questions relating to your licensing agreement, please contact your EBSCO business contact or email our Publisher Content Management group.
FTP stands for “File Transfer Protocol.” It is easy to use and efficient way to send data to EBSCO. We will supply you with FTP login credentials (the host URL, username, and password). You can log-in and then drag and drop your files onto the FTP folder.
These files will be mirrored to EBSCO’s server and our Content Management team will retrieve them for processing.
If your company has its own consistent FTP location where we can retrieve new files, you can arrange for us to pull your videos from that location.
Please see the Submission Guidelines for Videos for additional details.