EBSCO eBooks Cricket Media Subscription Collection
Build strong literacy skills in students from pre-K to 8th grade by offering digital access to award-winning, short-form fiction and nonfiction titles by Cricket Media. This unique e-book collection explores a wide range of subjects to help young readers explore and expand their worlds.
Why Subscribe to EBSCO eBooks?
- Cost-effective pricing for access to all Cricket Media e-books
- New frontlist e-books added regularly
- Large selection of fiction and nonfiction titles
- Supports multiple readers with unlimited user access

Also Available: Cricket Media Magazines and Teacher Guides
Available digitally to libraries only through Flipster, EBSCO’s digital magazine newsstand, Cricket Media provides students and educators with engaging content that is standards-aligned for a variety of Lexile levels. Ask an EBSCO representative about these award-winning, ad-free magazines.
Learn more about Flipster digital magazines.