Educational sociology: Research Starters Topic

Educational sociology: Research Starters Topic

Educational sociologists study a variety of topics, using a variety of theoretical approaches and methodologies. Unlike educational psychologists who study the relationship between learning and an individual student's mental processes (e.g. memory, attention, and perception), educational sociologists are interested in the relationship between learning and variables outside the individual's control - such as family background, race, access to resources, and social class. They also study education as a social institution, and its relationship to other institutions and society in general. There are numerous Research Starter articles related to educational sociology. The list below includes the most relevant Research Starter items.

Adult Education as Social Capital


Crime and Violence in Schools

Education in Developing Countries

Educational Inequality between Schools

Function of Education: Integration and Assimilation

Function of Education: Socialization

Inclusive Education (Sociology)

Inequality and Access to Higher Education

Privilege and Disadvantage in U.S. Education

Sociology of Education Theory: Feminist Perspectives

Sociology of Education Theory: Symbolic Interactionism