Responsible Research, Responsible AI

EBSCO aims to harness the responsible, equitable use of AI to seamlessly connect each unique researcher and library to the world's most trustworthy content and discovery.

Colorful icons in a circle representing: search magnifying glass, checkmark, digital journal, hands shaking, user persona, and balance


At EBSCO, we are dedicated to upholding the principles of responsible research as the foundation of our approach to AI. Guided by insights from our customers, partners, and regulatory bodies, we have established and adhere to a set of core AI Tenets. 

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AI Products & Features

Artificial intelligence (AI) at EBSCO represents just one of the many tools we leverage to develop and deliver high-quality, authoritative, and trusted products and services. By integrating AI with other advanced technologies and input from subject matter experts, we strive to enhance the user experience, ensure accuracy, and maintain the highest standards in everything we offer.

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AI Resources for Libraries

Explore a vast array of resources designed to expand your knowledge of artificial intelligence (AI), including its evolving role in research and information discovery. Delve into how AI enhances processes, streamlines workflows, and delivers tangible value to end users, empowering them to access and utilize information more efficiently and effectively.

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Stay Informed

Contact us to learn more about AI at EBSCO, sign up for our AI beta programs, or collaborate with us on research and development initiatives.

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