Sex, gender and sexuality: Research Starters Topic

Sex, gender and sexuality: Research Starters Topic

Sex and/or sexuality is a complex, multidimensional, umbrella term referring to the identification of masculine and feminine gender, qualities associated with each gender, capacities for erotic stimulation, behaviors causing erotic stimulation, the biology of reproduction, and fundamental elements of individual personality and personal identity that relate to these; sexuality has procreative, recreational, and relational dimensions. There are numerous Research Starter articles related to this topic. The list below includes the most relevant Research Starter items.

Attraction and Love

Gender Differences: Biology and Culture

Gender and Sexual Orientation in the Workplace

Sex, Gender and Sexuality: Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Sexual Development Across the Lifespan

Sexual Orientation and Youth

Sexual Orientation in the United States

Sexual Revolution and Counter Revolution

Sexual behavior patterns

Sexual differentiation

Sexual dysfunction

Sexual fetishism


Sexuality and the Media